The National Health Insurance Bill

The National Health Insurance Bill Dear Business Partner, I am sure that by now you will be aware that the National Assembly passed the National Health Insurance (NHI) Bill on the 13th June 2023, after having been in the pipeline now for over 15 years. Many...
How Technology Boosts Service Levels

How Technology Boosts Service Levels

Dear Business Partner, Nearly two years after launching, we are pleased to share with you the excellent servicing turnaround times we are achieving, largely enabled through our investment into digital technology and process management. By deploying AI and machine...
Cinagi Newsletter – April 2021

Cinagi Newsletter – April 2021

  Dear Business Partner, Progress is often subconsciously perceived as being exclusively incremental because, for most of our lives, that is precisely how we progress. And the reason is because humans are genetically hard-wired that way – if we experienced...
Cinagi February Newsletter – 2021

Cinagi February Newsletter – 2021

Dear Business Partner, 2021 Takes Off Slowly – But there may be a Silver Lining! The stricter lockdown rules imposed upon us on the eve of 2021 was certainly not what our collective psyches desired during the holidays and it didn’t bode all that well for the...
Cinagi November 2020 Newsletter

Cinagi November 2020 Newsletter

Dear Business Partner, For many consumers gap cover premiums are too high! Like many other industries have had to evolve rapidly amidst the challenges that 2020 has thrown at us, the gap cover industry will also need to make some adjustments if it is to remain viable....
Cinagi 2021 Benefit Launch!

Cinagi 2021 Benefit Launch!

2021 Premium Freeze Dear Business Partner, In these unprecedented and challenging times that we have experienced in 2020, it is important that we re-look at strategies that will support you and your clients as far as possible. In doing so, we have decided to use the...
Medical Second Opinion

Medical Second Opinion

Why should I obtain a Medical Second Opinion? Cinagi recognises that South African specialists offer medical care of a very high quality, through their extensive expertise and knowledge. However, there may be incidences where you are being treated for a...
Cinagi September Newsletter 2020

Cinagi September Newsletter 2020

Dear Business Partner, Welcome to our September edition of Cinagi News – we know that as financial services providers, there are many publications, news and regulatory updates to digest, so we like to keep our pieces short and succinct but hope that you find them...