Privacy Policy

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Cinagi (Pty) Ltd (“Cinagi”) is committed to ensuring the privacy and integrity of information collected and that it is used in an appropriate, lawful and transparent manner.

The objective of this Privacy Statement is to provide you with an understanding of how your personal information is managed, as well as your rights associated to the management of your personal information.

Please read this document carefully prior to sharing your personal information.


“Administrator” means Cinagi (Pty) Ltd with Registration No:2019/046543/07 and is an authorised financial services provider (FSP No: 50104).

“Insurer” means Infiniti Insurance Ltd, a licensed non-life insurance company and an authorised financial services provider (FSP 35914).

“You and your” means any Cinagi policy holder which may include you, your spouse, children, and other dependants.

“Contracted Employer” means any employer group who has entered into a group scheme agreement with Cinagi to offer Cinagi products to its employees.

“Personal Information” means personal information about you or if you are a Contracted Employer, your employees. It includes information about race, gender, sex, pregnancy, marital status, national, ethnic or social origin, colour, sexual orientation, age, physical or mental health, well-being, disability, religion, conscience, belief, culture, contact numbers, addresses, financial information, language and birth of the individual amongst other things.

“Processing of Information” means the lawful and reasonable automated or manual activity of collecting, recording, organising, storing, updating, distributing, and removing or deleting personal information to ensure that such processing is adequate, relevant, and not excessive given the purpose for which it is processed.

“Competent Person” means anyone who is legally competent to consent to any action or decision being taken for any matter concerning a policyholder or dependant, for example a parent, legal guardian or a legal representative appointed by a court to manage the finances, property or estate of another person unable to do so because of mental or physical incapacity.

Administrator’s Responsibilities

In terms of insurance legislation, Cinagi as the Administrator may not provide advice to any policyholder or potential policyholder. For this reason, a policyholder or potential policyholder is represented by an intermediary, who is required to be a registered Financial Service Provider (FSP). Cinagi products can also be introduced to employer groups by the intermediary.

Personal information required for processing and administration of Cinagi insurance policies could be provided to Cinagi by the policyholder, potential policyholder or an associated party including intermediaries and employers. The information provided by any of these parties can include personal, financial, and medical information.

Cinagi has a duty to take all reasonable and practicable steps to ensure your personal information is complete, accurate, not misleading and updated on a regular basis. To enable this, we will always endeavour to obtain personal information from you directly. Where we are unable to do so, we will make use of verifiable third-party data sources.

How we will use your information

The Insurer and Administrator may process your personal information for the following purposes:

  1. To verify the accuracy, correctness and completeness of any information provided to the Insurer and Administrator while processing an application for membership or providing services related to your policy.
  2. To perform our contractual obligations in the administration of your Cinagi policy.
  3. For the provision of relevant information to a contracted third party who requires this information to provide administrative services relating to your Cinagi benefits.
  4. For profile and risk analysis.
  5. To share your personal information with external health providers for them to assess or evaluate certain clinical information.

Examples of when and how we will source and share your information:

  1. We could share your personal information with your appointed intermediary during the claims process to help the Insurer and Administrator finalise your claim in the most efficient manner.
  2. Obtaining your personal information from other relevant sources, including medical practitioners, contracted service providers, financial advisers, medical schemes, credit bureaus, or industry regulatory bodies and further processing of such information to consider your policy application, validate your claim against your policy benefits, to conduct underwriting or risk assessments. We may (at any time and on an ongoing basis) verify with the relevant sources that your personal information is true, correct, and complete.
  3. If you have taken out a policy (or applied to take out a policy) as part of an employer group, receiving from and sharing with your employer information that is relevant to your policy.
  4. Communicate with you electronically about any changes or general information relating to administrative processes or changes to your policy benefits and premiums or new/upgraded services or products that are available.
  5. Transferring your personal information outside the borders of the Republic of South Africa where appropriate, for example to access any services relating to Mediguide International’s “Medical Second Opinion” service or if you provided an email address which is hosted outside the borders of South Africa.
  6. Sharing of information with financial institutions to facilitate the collection of premiums, payment of claims and any other payments.
  7. Organisations to prevent and investigate fraud, including the police and fraud investigators.

Third parties requesting your information.

If a third party asks the Insurer and/or Administrator for any of your personal information, we will only share this if:

  • you have already given your consent for the disclosure of this information to that third party; or
  • we have a legal or contractual duty to give the information to that third party.

Transfer of Consent

If the Insurer and/or Administrator becomes involved in a proposed or actual amalgamation, transfer or merger, acquisition or any form of sale of any assets, as appropriate, we have the right to share your personal information with third parties in connection with the transaction. In the case of such an event, the new entity will have access to your personal information.

When we share your information, we will ensure that, the company, person or regulatory body (in or outside of South Africa) to whom we pass your personal information, agrees to treat your information with the same level of protection as we are obliged to.

Your rights

You have the rights to the following:

  • Update incorrect or out of date personal information.
  • Delete any personal information in terms of any legislation.
  • Withdraw your consent where consent is required to use or process your personal information,
  • Consider any valid objections to the use or processing of your personal information.Submit Complaint
  • Request the details of the personal information we hold about you, why and how it is being used. Request Information
  • Lodge a complaint with the Information Regulator.

Details of The Information Regulator (South Africa)

Physical Address : JD House, 27 Stiemens Street, Braamfontein, Johannesburg, 2001

Postal Address : PO Box 31533, Braamfontein, 2017

Email :

Tel : +27 (0) 10 023 5207[/fusion_text][/fusion_builder_column][/fusion_builder_row][/fusion_builder_container]